
The Benefits of Choosing Custom Server Racks

The Benefits of Choosing Custom Server Racks

Servers are an essential part of a network. As a result, data center employees must take excellent care of them. One way that data center supervisors can secure their servers is by purchasing custom server racks. As this article will show, there are many benefits of...

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Colocation or In-House Data Centers?

Colocation or In-House Data Centers?

There are pros and cons when regarding whether or not to outsource your data storage or keep it in-house. Keeping your business data in-house gives you complete freedom and accessibility over your data storage. However, over 65% of IT equipment failures are directly...

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3 Tips to Successfully Scale Your Data Center

3 Tips to Successfully Scale Your Data Center

Scaling your data center is no small undertaking. Scaling means you're able to handle an increase in work, output, and sales in a reasonable way without harming your business. Your data center needs to be able to collect, store, process, and distribute large amounts...

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How Can I Earthquake-Proof My Data Center?

How Can I Earthquake-Proof My Data Center?

Many data centers are located in places where earthquakes and other seismic activity are very real dangers. It's critical for your data center to comply with industry standards for seismic protection for the safety of data center employees and personnel and to ensure...

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