Data centers are establishments that allow organizations to store their information. These facilities also give supervisors the ability to process or share information at a moment’s notice. These places have essentially existed since computers were invented—although, the way they operate has changed significantly over the years. Perhaps one of the most noticeable changes in the industry is how power cabinet density is measured. This article will show individuals how to evaluate data center power cabinet density today and why the process changed over the years.

The Old Ways of Doing Things

During the 1980s and 1990s, data centers measured power density in watts per square foot. Conversely, modern facilities evaluate power density in kilowatt/rack. The reason for the transition is simple; watts per square foot doesn’t say anything about the number of racks or cabinets available in a facility. The old way of doing things simply doesn’t provide enough information about power calculations or the different variations in a rack.

What’s Going on Today?

As previously mentioned, power density is now measured in kilowatt/rack. This change allows facilities to increase their power supply, meaning they can store more cabinets. However, an increased power supply does come with its host of issues. For starters, data centers must work with trusted data rack manufacturers to ensure that all their equipment is high-quality. Companies should rest assured that AMCO Enclosures are highly trained specialists dedicated to keeping everyone’s information protected. The team also works closely with clients so that they aren’t left in the dark.

This article has explained how to evaluate data center power cabinet density. Processes have changed over the years to keep up with an ever-expanding power supply. Since it’s important to keep everyone’s information protected, corporations must work with experienced data rack manufacturers to ensure that everything runs smoothly. People should have peace of mind that their data is safe and secure wherever it’s located.