(tnz4) seismic (data) rack

Remote work has changed the way we do everything, especially post-COVID. It’s changed the landscape of data centers as well. If no one is physically present to manage your infrastructure, how do you do it? Data centers function as the backbone of most modern businesses, and they’re understood to house various valuable assets, from confidential employee information to client financial information. Because of this, we must know how to manage data centers in a remote work environment. Learn how you can do this below.

Implement Remote Monitoring

If you want to manage your data center properly, ensure you can remotely monitor and manage your data center. Tons of software and other tools are out there for just that purpose. They let any admin with access control monitor your data center from a distance on the most nuanced levels. Imagine sitting back and monitoring power consumption, network connectivity, and security systems. Data center infrastructure management software is perfect for this sort of thing since it provides all the data you need in real time. This ensures your data center runs smoothly and efficiently, even when you’re not inside it.

The Importance of Clear Communication

Remote work has completely altered the way we communicate. We need to ensure regular communication channels are open when working with our team that manages the data center physically. Whether using Microsoft Teams to schedule a meeting, Zoom to facilitate presentations, or other methods, we must ensure everyone understands their tasks and objectives. Transparency is the key to a successful hybrid team. This is especially true when only some are privy to the same information. Keep communication open to manage data centers in a remote work environment.

Remote Security

Security should be a top priority for any business, but it’s especially true for data centers you manage remotely. Ensure you incorporate access controls, encryption protocols, and multifactor authentication to keep your company’s and client’s data secure. Patch and update any of the firmware you regularly have and ensure they respond quickly to any security threats. Make sure you also educate your data center team about best practices for remote security. When you do so, you’ll be well on your way to a secure and efficient data center—even from a remote work environment.

If you’re interested in getting any of our seismic data rack cabinets, including our TNZ4 seismic data rack, we’ve got you covered at AMCO Enclosures. Here at AMCO, we stress excellent customer service and customer satisfaction. Work with AMCO. You’ll be happy you took the leap.