Edge data centers are responsible for housing the critical components of a network. They rely on the continual running of machines, and with this constant expenditure of energy comes rising temperatures. From servers to the racks that house them to cables, it is imperative for the elements within a data center to maintain optimal temperatures so they can continue to operate most efficiently. In order to uphold the productivity and functionality of an edge data center, it is essential to utilize infrastructure solutions that include a thermal containment system. Beyond simply improving efficiency, however, there are several ways that a thermal containment system can benefit a data center.

Control Air Flow with Aisle Containment Solutions

Whether the temperatures inside a data center are stable or not, it’s still imperative to ensure proper airflow throughout the center. By integrating hot aisle containment within a data center, you can make sure hot air is guided back where it needs to go in order to efficiently help cooling systems from getting too cold. On the other hand, cold aisle containment can include roof panels that can both open automatically in the event of a fire and keep cold air in to provide targeted cooling to equipment that is actively running. This type of airflow control takes advantage of naturally occurring scientific phenomena such as heat rising and helps the data center run more effectively in the process.

Reduce Energy Use

There are other tools to use within a data center thermal containment system to help improve functionality and thereby reduce costs. For example, coupling a vertical exhaust duct with a free-standing cabinet can help redirect heat exhaust away from actively-running equipment and back into the return space. This component is able to passively remove hot air, thereby lowering temperatures without additional energy output. Another option includes blank panels, which keep hot and cold air separate, while simultaneously improving the integrity of the server racks. These panels can help lower extra energy costs as well as reserve space. Reducing a data center’s energy use results in a range of benefits, including significantly lowering energy costs. In fact, electricity costs are expected to rise up to 67% in the next three years, but these costs can be reduced by up to 35% with proper temperature-control solutions.

Increase Efficiency

According to Forbes, American data centers use upwards of 90 billion kilowatts of energy annually. To ensure your center is conserving as much energy as possible, it’s simply not enough to just install a thermal containment system. It must also be monitored and measured constantly to ensure that your data center is running at full capacity and the highest efficiency. When you organize a center using a thermal containment system, it makes it easier to access everything you need. With added measures like filler panels, roof panels, brush guards, and brackets, your data center will look and feel less cluttered and more like a well-oiled machine. And if your data center is running at optimal efficiency, then you can spend less time and money on its processes.

Because data centers are constantly serving up huge amounts of online content for its users, it is important for these centers to remain stable, reliable systems. By investing in a thermal containment system, you can better manage fluctuations in temperature and ensure that the air is neither too hot nor too cold for the equipment it encapsulates. From utilizing blanking panels to a climate controlled server rack to aisle containment solutions, there are many thermal containment infrastructure solutions to consider for the upkeep of your machines. Improve your data center efficiency, reduce energy costs, protect your equipment, and maintain proper airflow with the use of a thermal containment system.