data centerWhen it comes to computer networks and organization of other technology, there’s always something different on the horizon. We’re a few months into 2018 now, but the new technological advancements keep on coming. Let’s take a look at just three expected data center trends to watch for in 2018 and consider how these trends might impact your organization’s needs for data racks and other equipment.

Edge Computing
While countless organizations still rely on cloud services for storage, more businesses are moving away from a completely centralized approach. Edge computing allows for a decentralized extension of networks, the cloud, and more, making it easier to address requirements digital businesses deal with on a regular basis. Using only the cloud or only one center for data placed limits on steaming or processing efficiency. Cloud data centers provide a more balanced option that will accommodate the increasing use of mobile devices and IoT.

Proactive Disaster Recovery
As the events of 2017 showed, data center supplies are often no match for natural disasters. Having a disaster recovery plan is paramount to prevent interruptions in daily operations. Managers need to plan ahead for power failure, server shut-downs, and the need to rely on cloud solutions during recovery. Although no one wants to deal with a natural disaster, being proactive and having a detailed plan in place can minimize the damage brought on by such events.

Hyperconverged Solutions
While end users used to shy away from being locked in to a vendor, the emerging trend now seems to be that they’ll make do if they can have access to a turnkey server system that includes pre-configured storage, software, and essentially everything they’ll need from the get-go. In 2011, over 38% of large companies expected to exceed their IT capacity within 18 months; in 2018, it’s obvious that companies need faster, more convenient, and fully integrated solutions. Hyperconverged systems will allow users to not waste time on setup, everyday use, or any other part of the process.

We’re keeping a close eye on many of these predicted trends to see if they emerge triumphant throughout 2018. Tech trends may come and go, but we’re betting you still have a need for server and network racks. To find out more about our data solutions, get in touch with us today.